EPRD Healthy Living for January 2017
How are your New Year's fitness resolutions going? Evergreen Park & Rec is committed to helping you fulfill them this year. We have two programs going on this winter to give you incentive - and maybe even earn you cash or prizes!February Bingo Fitness Challenge
On Wednesday, Feb. 1, EPRD launches the February Bingo Challenge. Participate in a variety of classes and programs, fill out your Bingo card, and compete to win weekly prizes and a Grand Prize (such as passes, massages and fitness classes). Sign up at either Rec Center front desk to get your Bingo cards!
Weigh & Win
Weigh and Win, which started Jan. 3, actually pays you to lose weight and get healthier! The Weigh and Win kiosk is by the fireplace at Buchanan Park Rec Center -- check it out and launch your exciting journey to health! (Must have at least 25% BMI to be paid, but anyone can participate.)
Healthy Body
Until recently, many scientists believed that exercise reduces the body’s ability to fight off infections. But a new review of studies about exercise and immunity indicates that a few simple precautions, including consuming carbohydrates during exhausting workouts, might help to keep our immune systems robust. The NY Times has more.
Healthy Mind
Stray thoughts and wandering minds are directly related to unhappiness, a recent Harvard study reveals that. This study seems to confirm what Buddhists, sages, and saints have long taught - that an unruly mind creates unhappiness and dysfunction, and that the keys to happiness lie in mastering the mind, and not in changing external factors in our lives. Inc. has more.
Healthy Parenting
What parents think about the size of their children's waistlines truly has a lasting impact on them, a new study says. The research, published in Psychological Science, found that when parents thought their kids were overweight when they were young, they were more likely to grow up to fulfill that destiny. Learn more from Parents magazine.
Healthy Aging
Women who lead a sedentary lifestyle have faster-ageing cells than those who exercise every day, research suggests. A study on 1,500 women aged 64-95 found those who spent many hours sitting and exercised for less than 40 minutes a day had cells that were biologically older. (So try EPRD’s SilverSneakers program!) Read more, from BBC Health.
Healthy Planet
2016 was officially the hottest year on record – for the third year in a row. That’s according to onEarth, which provides reporting and analysis about environmental science, policy, and culture. Learn more.
Healthy Eating
It's the triple challenge: You need a dinner you can throw together on a weeknight (so it should be quick and not too complicated) and it needs to also be wholesome, but within your budget. Does this sound like too much to ask of a recipe? Not so! Here are 12 nutritious, budget-friendly meals that you can throw together in a snap, from The Kitchen.
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