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Shoulder etiketine sahip yayınlar gösteriliyor

Muscle Galery 33, Muscle Galery, Smile, Sexy Muscle Man, Six Packs, Chest,Shoulder,, Bayram Cigerli

Muscle Galery 33, Muscle Galery, Smile, Sexy Muscle Man, Six Packs, Chest,Shoulder,,  Bayram Cigerli

Best Shoulder Workout Exercises" videosunu izleyin

Super Cool Man, Super Sexy Man, Muscle Model, Gay Story,YouTube,Videos, ,

So, Good,Like,Sexy, Muscle Man, Bodybuilder , Six Pack, Big Muscle Man, Big Chest, Shoulder,

So, Good,Like,Sexy, Muscle Man, Bodybuilder , Six Pack, Big Muscle Man, Big Chest, Shoulder,

Fell, Big Muscle Chest , Shoulder, Muscle Man

Fell, Big Muscle Chest , Shoulder, Muscle Man



Fixing Your Achy Wrists

Do you experience pain in your wrists while doing exercises like bench presses or planks? If so, then read on! As I've mentioned 1,000 times (and you're probably sick of me saying it already), we always have to look distally (farther away) from the area in question. Think of your …

The 4 Exercises that Your Shoulders Hate

It is common for a lifter to seek boulder shoulder status. While having protruding, rounded shoulders certainly looks nice, the shoulders are very vulnerable to injury. The demands of a sedentary, desk-ridden society already makes our shoulders unhappy, and if you translate this dysfuncti…

Sturdy Shoulders (How to Spare Your Shoulders from Injury)

I'd say nearly every person I've trained has, during an assessment, mentioned a previous shoulder injury. Even I have suffered from the plague that is shoulder pain in the past. The shoulder (glenohumeral) joint is the most mobile joint in the body. The ball and socket architectur…

En Hızlı Kas Geliştirme Yöntemi - 1 Ayda Plaj Vücudu - 20.gün

En Hızlı Kas Geliştirme Yöntemi - 1 Ayda Plaj Vücudu - 20.gün Dikkat ! Lütfen videolarımızı bilgisayarınıza indirmeden youtube üzerinden izleyiniz. Ev ortamında egzersiz yapmak isteyenler için hazıladığımız 'Evde Plaj Vücudu' antrenman-egzersiz programımızda 30 günlük süreçte topl…

3 Reasons Why Your Neck is Always Tight

If you had to pick one place where you regularly carry the most tension in your body, what would you choose? I'm willing to bet you chose your upper trapezius muscles. The upper trapezius muscles seem to be (in my experience) some of the most overused and abused muscles in the human b…

Behind the Neck Exercises: Do You Need Them?

For every exercise, there's an equal and opposite, behind-the-neck variation. Behind-the-neck lat pull-downs, pull-ups, push presses, strict presses, are just a few examples of exercises I've seen people try to do behind their necks. Perhaps they're trying to hit the same musc…