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Blogger Other Meta Settings - Blogger Seo Settings

Blogger Other Meta Settings - Blogger Seo Settings   * Yes, friends, today we wrote this article to show you how to add other most used commodities on the blogger.  * If you want to learn how Blogger other commodities are added to the site, take a good look at the image below.  * We share…

Blogger Meta Keyword, Abstract, Subject Settings - Blogger Seo Settings

Blogger Meta Keyword, Abstract, Subject Settings - Blogger Seo Settings   * Yes friends today I will show you the Meta Keyword, Abstract, Subject adjustments and encodings on the blogger.  * All you have to do is write the most used words for your website in the places that write keywords…

Adding the Blogger Meta Description Tag

Adding the Blogger Meta Description Tag   * Yes friends, we continue our blogger seo settings. Today, we will show you how to add the meta description tag to the website  .

Adding a Blogger Website Meta Title - Blogger Seo Settings

Adding a Blogger Website Meta Title - Blogger Seo Settings   * Yes guys, today I'm going to show you how to set meta title tags, which is incredibly important for blogger website seo settings.  * We make the fields shown in the picture in blue colors with the meta title tag.  * Blogge…

How to Install Bloggera Theme - Illustrated Lecture

How to Install Bloggera Theme - Illustrated Lecture   * First of all, hello everyone, today we will tell you how to install a bloggera theme quickly and easily.  * If you follow the steps as shown in the picture below, you can quickly and easily upload themes to blogger.

How to Add Favicon to Blogger Website

How to Add Favicon to Blogger Website  Yes, friends today I will show you how to add a favicon to the blogger website.  First of all, in order to add a favicon image, your image must be square, that is, the width and height must be the same value, that is 100px in height and 100px in widt…

Initial Adjustments for Website in Blogger Admin Panel - Add Short Description to Website For Seo

Initial Adjustments for Website in Blogger Admin Panel - Add Short Description to Website For Seo   * Yes, friends, today, I will show you how to add a short description to a website that we have created with blogger.  * Friends, this is the part that helps you to introduce your important…

Initial Settings for Website in Blogger Admin Panel - Settings to Show Pictures with Lightbox

Initial Settings for Website in Blogger Admin Panel - Settings to Show Pictures with Lightbox  * Yes, friends, today, we will show you the lightbox setting, which is an adjustment related to the pictures, on the website we have created with blogger, that is, how to display the images.  * …

Initial Settings for Website in Blogger Admin Panel - How Many Articles to List on Home Page Initial Settings for Website in Blogger Admin Panel - How Many Articles to List on Home Page

Initial Settings for Website in Blogger Admin Panel - How Many Articles to List on Home Page Initial Settings for Website in Blogger Admin Panel - How Many Articles to List on Home Page Yes, friends, we continue to make the first adjustments that we have not made on our website using blog…

Initial Settings for Website in Blogger Admin Panel - Setting the Protocol of Your Website Whether Http or Https

Initial Settings for Website in Blogger Admin Panel - Setting the Protocol of Your Website Whether Http or Https * Yes, friends, today we will explain to you how to set up your website protocol, which is one of the first steps you need to do on your website via the blogger admin panel. * …

Initial Settings for Website in Blogger Admin Panel - Your Blog Your Website Search Engine Index or not Index

Initial Settings for Website in Blogger Admin Panel - Your Blog Your Website Search Engine Index or not Index Yes friends, we wrote this article to give you information about this indexing and non-indexing feature about blogger websites. If you have a blog or website that you have created…

Initial Adjustments For Website In Blogger Admin Panel - Add Long Description

Initial Adjustments For Website In Blogger Admin Panel - Add Long Description   * Yes, friends, in this article, I will show you how to add a long explanation to the websites on the blogger admin panel. This area is not that important, but I think it is useful to see it anyway.  * Now rev…

Initial Settings for Blogger Websites - Setting the Site Title

Initial Settings for Blogger Websites - Setting the Site Title  * In Blogger, you can set the site title for Blogger websites easily and quickly by following the numbers in the picture below.  * We have provided a sample of adjustment for you to set an example.  * The places indicated by …

How to Open a Blog on Blogger - How to Buy Host and Domain-2 Lecture

How to Open a Blog on Blogger - How to Buy Host and Domain-2 Lecture  (If you have opened a Website on Blogger before and want to open a new site.)  Yes friends, if you have opened a website on blogger and want to open a site again, we have illustrated the ways you should follow. I hope i…

How to Open a Blog on Blogger - How to Buy Host and Domain-1 Lecture

How to Open a Blog on Blogger - How to Buy Host and Domain-1 Lecture (If You Are Logging In To The Blogger Admin Panel For The First Time, Unless You Opened A Site Before)  If You are Logging in to the Blogger Admin Panel for the First Time, If you have not opened a site before, please fo…

How to login to the Blogger Admin panel for the first time Illustrated Lecture - Introduction to the Blogger Admin Panel

How to login to the Blogger Admin panel for the first time Illustrated Lecture - Introduction to the Blogger Admin Panel   * Yes friends welcome today I will show you how to login to the blogger admin panel for the first time. Let's start immediately if you wish. Our trainings will b…

Blogger Diğer Meta Ayarları - Blogger Seo Ayarları

Blogger Diğer Meta Ayarları - Blogger Seo Ayarları   *Evet arkadaşlar bugün sizlere bloggerda diğer en çok kullanılan metaların nasıl siteye ekleneceğini göstermek için bu yazıyı yazdık.  *Blogger diğer metaların nasıl siteye eklendiğini öğrenmek istiyorsanız aşağıdaki görselle iyice bakı…

Blogger Meta Keyword, Abstract, Subject Ayarları - Blogger Seo Ayarları

Blogger Meta Keyword, Abstract, Subject Ayarları - Blogger Seo Ayarları   *Evet arkadaşlar bugün sizlerle bloggerda Meta Keyword, Abstract, Subject ayarlamalarını ve kodlamalarını göstereceğim.  *Sizin tek yapmanız gereken keyword yazan yerlere websiteniz için en çok kullanılan kelimeleri…

Blogger Meta Description Etiketini Ekleme

Blogger Meta Description Etiketini Ekleme   *Evet arkadaşlar blogger seo ayarlarımıza devam ediyoruz. Bugün sizlerle meta description etiketini web siteye eklemeyi göstereceğiz arkadaşlar dilerseniz hemen başlayalım...  *Html kod en altta bulunmaktadır.

Blogger Website Meta Title Ekleme - Blogger Seo Ayarları

Blogger Website Meta Title Ekleme - Blogger Seo Ayarları   *Evet arkadaşlar bugün sizlere blogger website seo ayarları için inanılmaz derecede önemli olan meta title etiketlerinin nasıl ayarlandığını göstereceğim.  *Resimde mavi renklerle gösterilen alanları bizler meta title etiketi ile …