Having a big butt is certainly preferable for models twerking in rap videos, but it's also extremely important in athletic performance. Weather you're a soccer player, a running back or just simply working out to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you need to make sure you're givin…
What are you doing right now? Chances are you're sitting at your desk as you read this. We sit on the couch to watch TV, get up to sit in our cars, sit at our desks at work and then repeat this vicious cycle the next day. Nearly all of us are guilty of spending too much time on our bu…
Our bodies were made to move, and when we move more, we are healthier. Unfortunately, our information economy demands that most of us work at desks, where we sit for long hours every day. To compensate for all of this inactivity, many have adopted exercise regimes or active hobbies. Howev…