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Ekim, 2009 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Boo! Or, what was I thinking?

Pam made a quick run to KC with her sister, so I was left to amuse myself this afternoon.  I worked on a cedar chest I’m rehabbing for Libby for a while, then couldn’t stand it any longer and went for a bike ride.  I knew before I started that the wind would be a factor on the way home, b…

Weighty Matters

Fitness instructors, I’ve found, are a fairly flighty bunch.  I’ve had four teachers in four years. The yoga lady lasted the longest, but she left because she hated the way the floor smelled in our new room.  The Pilates guy just disappeared.  Actually, I wasn’t sorry he left, because, th…


Back in the saddle - Friday Edition and a bike maintenance tip.

Driving home in the rain last night I was frustrated.  You see, I had to drive to work two stinking days in a row!  I’m tired of that Jeep!  Actually, for the last week I’ve been in it a lot.  I changed the oil on it 8/14, and since that point I’ve put approximately 880 miles on it.  I kn…


3901312    ทฤษฎีและวิธีวิทยาการเสริมสร้างสมรรถภาพทางกายเพื่อสุขภาพและการกีฬา    Theory and Methodology for Physical Fitness Training for Health and Sports การประยุกต์ทฤษฎีด้านสรีรวิทยาการออกกำลังกายมาใช้ในการกำหนดโปรแกรมการออกกำลังกายเพื่อสุขภาพหรือโปรแกรมการฝึกเพื่อเพิ่มสมรรถภาพของนักกีฬ…


Tony's Workout 10-28-09

Deadlift Day Warmup Sumo DL 310×5 360×5 405×8  Wanted a few more reps.  Started to lose my grip, tried to adjust in-between reps and it was a no-go.  Log Clean x5 (need to work on this one) Snatch Grip Pull 185×10 Backward Crazy 8    80 x 90 seconds  50 x 90 seconds Walk 1 minute Jog 1 mi…