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Vagatable and Muscle

Muscle Man İmages, , Bayram Cigerli, Bodybuilding, Handsome,Sexy Muscle Man,Man

Cleaning Up Your Nutrition For Results

Achieving fitness results the right way will require good nutrition. Although exercise is important, nutrition does play the largest role in getting fit and maintaining your health. Eating Right is Easy Eating right for results isn't complicated as many people believe. This line of th…

Food is Not the Enemy

It would be easy to blame food for being overweight and unhealthy. The truth is food is not the enemy. In fact, our very survival is based on food and water for optimal body functioning. Taking Responsibility Let's be honest. Getting healthy is about taking responsibility and making…

The Benefits of Cheating & How to Bounce Back After a Binge

I'm really excited to have my friend Sara back as a guest contributor! She previously wrote a fantastic article on the importance of proper meal timing . I had approached her about writing this article, because I feel as though binging is something that everyone has fallen victim to, …

Insulin and the Importance of Meal Timing

This week, I have an awesome guest post from friend and nutrition expert Sara Pindera. Sara is a friendly Canadian with a Bachelor of Science Degree, specialising in Nutrition and Nutraceuticals. She has additional experience in food and product marketing and has written numerous articles…

Having Your Cake and Eating it Too: A Flexible Approach to Nutrition

How many of you can say you've tried every new fad diet you hear about on the news? Every time I turn on the television, I see some new self-proclaimed nutrition expert who proposes a new philosophy on why people gain weight. Carbohydrates are often the first macronutrient to be held …

Carbs Are Not the Enemy

Dieters are always looking to wage war on the elusive cause for their weight gain. We live in a time of gluten free, dairy free, low carb, low fat, no sugar, low sodium, non GMO warriors of nutrition. Everyone seems to have a different "demon" on which to blame their excess poun…

6 Reasons You Aren't Meeting Your Weight-loss Goals

If I had a dime for every time someone asked me how they could lose X number of pounds in X number of time, I could probably make enough money to earn myself a spot in the Shark Tank  cast. Everyone seems to have extra weight they want to lose, but yet very few of those people actually wa…

How Marketing Confuses the Meaning of "Healthy"

Many popular products like NutriGrain bars, FiberOne brownies, Nature's Valley granola are all presented as "healthy" alternatives to candy bars. I mean, "NutriGrain" contains the root words "nutritious" and "grain," so they must be good for you…

My List of Product Recommendations!

My clients and friends often ask me what type of supplements/fitness products I use. Here's my list of product recommendations for you holiday wish list! Please note that, aside from GoMacro, I do not endorse any of these products, so I do not receive anything for writing these review…

What is "Healthy" to You?

The word "healthy" seems to take on a different definition in every magazine, every journal, every study and every book I read. Some people think low carbohydrate/high fat ("keto") diets are the way to go, while others preach high carbohydrate/low fat diets. Working in…

Ending the 1,200 Calorie Myth

As the summer approaches, everyone seems to have one goal in mind: to lose weight and look great in a bikini. So how do you accomplish those goals? I'm willing to bet money that you said something along the lines of "diet and exercise." Well, you aren't totally wrong, bu…

What "Food" Means to Me

Over the years, my definition of what is "food" and what is not has changed significantly. I grew up as a very picky eater, subsisting on a diet of Ellios pizza, chicken fingers and Oreos. I think it goes without saying that these foods are no longer a part of my daily intake. A…