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weight loss etiketine sahip yayınlar gösteriliyor

Achieving a Lean and Healthy Body is Possible for Everyone

There have been fitness misconceptions that special diets, gym memberships, and other expensive gimmicks are required to get fit and healthy. These beliefs are nothing but diet culture hype without scientific backing.  The truth is achieving a lean and healthy body is possible for everyon…

3 Reasons Why Counting Calories Isn't as Easy at It Seems

Calorie counting is easily one of the most effective ways to lose weight. Flexible dieting (or “IIFYM”) has become one of the biggest nutrition crazes as of late, with fitness influencers posting the macronutrient breakdown of their meals. They weigh their portions and track their intake.…

Weigh and Win Healthy Holidays Challenge!

On average, Americans gain one to two pounds every holiday season - which they never lose. Over time, those pounds add up! Let’s make this holiday season a healthier one, together, and enjoy the holidays with balance and maintain your weight this holiday season. Join the Weigh and Win Hea…

EPRD Healthy Living for January 2017

EPRD Healthy Living for January 2017 How are your New Year's fitness resolutions going? Evergreen Park & Rec is committed to helping you fulfill them this year. We have two programs going on this winter to give you incentive - and maybe even earn you cash or prizes! Februar…

Getting Started with Weigh and Win

The EPRD Blogger has signed up for Weigh and Win , EPRD's new program with Centura Health to help you keep your 2017 fitness and weight loss resolutions. It was easy! You can go online to, or visit the kiosk at Buchanan Park Rec Center and sign up there. A health coa…

Get Healthier and Lose Weight with Weigh and Win!

Making a New Year's Resolution to lose weight and live healthier in 2017? EPRD has partnered with Weigh and Win to help you achieve success! Weigh and Win is a FREE community program that pays you to achieve or maintain a healthy weight. To get you started on the right foot, a health…

EPRD Healthy Living newsletter for December 2016

Winter and the holidays are a deadly combination for fitness and health aficionados. It's hard to maintain a workout routine while doing all that holiday shopping, wrapping, invitation signing, Christmas partying, cookie baking and eggnog drinking. It's even harder to maintain you…