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Do Woman believe it? How Real Sex and City Super Cool Man, Super Sexy Man, Muscle Model, Handsome,Hot Man, Kaslı Erkekler,Yakışıklı Erkekler,Muscle Gay,Bearded,Muscle Gay,,Sex,Sex Tips,Tips,

do women believe it? Asking many women if they watch the show garnered a very enthusiastic "yes." But when I asked how close the show was to their real lives, only a handful of city women agreed that there were quite a few similarities between the characters and them and their friends. "It's escapism," said one woman. "This show is to women what porn is to men. Chances are they won't be having that amount of sex with that many men, but living vicariously through the characters gives them that little piece of satisfaction." I guess the show is somewhat of an ongoing soft porn flick with a very mind-teasing plot. "Women of the millennium are having more sex and with more partners," said Tamara, a 27-year-old psychology student. "Many women are becoming aggressors and no longer feel the need to maintain a chaste reputation. Have you ever seen the way young women behave during spring break or at Mardi Gras? It's a virtual free-for-all." "Even if a woman told a man that she wouldn't sleep with him until marriage," she continued, "chances are he'd head for the first exit, or cheat on her the entire time. Men can get sex much more easily today than they could've in my parents' heyday. Marriage isn't a prerequisite for getting laid anymore." So casual sex has become as common as having coffee with a buddy in the big city. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Think about it; let's say (for argument's sake) a woman saves herself until she's about 25 years of age. Then she sleeps with a man. They break up after a few months. Then she meets another man and after a couple of months, she sleeps with him. Then they break up. If this woman dates 3 men a year, she'll have slept with 15 men by the time she's 30. So even if a woman isn't having casual sex, but is dating a man seriously and things simply "don't work out," she's left single and with another notch on her bedpost simply through the fate she mapped out for herself. Maybe Carrie and her friends aren't that far off from reality after all.

Super Cool Man, Super Sexy Man, Muscle Model, Handsome,Hot Man, Kaslı Erkekler,Yakışıklı Erkekler,Muscle Gay,Bearded,Muscle Gay,,Sex,Sex Tips,Tips,
