Do guys believe it? How Real Sex and City Super Cool Man, Super Sexy Man, Muscle Model, Handsome,Hot Man, Kaslı Erkekler,Yakışıklı Erkekler,Muscle Gay,Bearded,Muscle Gay,,Sex,Sex Tips,Tips,
do guys believe it? Many men admit to enjoying this show because it gives them an "in" to women's minds. But when I asked if they think that art imitates life, one guy confessed, "If there are any women who are even remotely like Samantha, I have yet to encounter them." He went on to say that the women he knew that were in fact sexually insatiable, also resembled Mimi from the Drew Carey Show . But most of the men I encountered admitted that they believe that women get together to talk about sex and men's performances, even if most women deny it vehemently. When asked if they've had one-night stands with women whose last names they never got, more than 85% of the over 100 guys I spoke with said "yes." I guess the women were out on the prowl because we all know that women usually have the deciding vote in whether or not you're going to get any. Nevertheless, when asked for the lowdown on what they think of each character on the show, the following were the most common answers given: Carrie: Good for a relationship, but not long-term. Samantha: Good for sex and oral sex, but no relationship. Miranda: Good as a friend, she can help men with their relationships. Charlotte: Frightening because she only thinks of marriage
Super Cool Man, Super Sexy Man, Muscle Model, Handsome,Hot Man, Kaslı Erkekler,Yakışıklı Erkekler,Muscle Gay,Bearded,Muscle Gay,,Sex,Sex Tips,Tips,
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