Mark’s Daily Apple is the blog home of the author of the Primal Blueprint. I recommend visiting the site and getting a feel for what the Primal Blueprint is all about, there’s a Primal Blueprint 101 section that introduced the concepts. The blog post I of interest today is on supplements. The author mentioned that our paleolithic ancestor didn’t take supplements, but that doesn’t mean we’ll have the same benefits going supplement free in our modern lives. The differences highlighted in the post refer to food quality, artificial lighting, and modern habits. While getting nutrients from food is preferred, those factors just mentioned make it hard to get an equal nutrient profile as our paleolithic ancestors. The recommended nutrients to take were antioxidants, probiotics, fish oils, and protein powder.
The benefits of getting quality nutrients in the right amount isn’t isolated to your diet. It spills over into your overall health and fitness. Diet is a complimentary part to fitness. If your goal is to be healthy, you need both diet and exercise. Any training regiment or fitness program that disregards one of those things is incomplete.
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