In the Gym, with Mike:
Training Partner: Barry
Time: 5:30 p.m.
12/10/8/6/ + 12/12 Workout: (reps x weight)
Dumbbell press: 12 x 17.5; 10 x 22.5; 8 x 27.5; 6 x 30 then: dumbbell press 12 x 27.5, supersetted with dumbbell flye 12 x 20
Lat Pulldown: 12 x 40; 10 x 50; 8 x 60; 6 x 90 then: lat pulldown 12 x 75, supersetted with barbell bent over row 12 x 45
CX280 Shoulder Press: 12 x 20; 10 x 30; 7 x 40; 8 x 30 then shoulder press 12 x 20, supersetted with lateral raises 12 x 8
Barbell Curls: 12 x 10; 10 x 15; 8 x 20; 6 x 25 then curls 12 x 15, supersetted with hammer curls 9 x 8/4 x 5 (had to drop weight to finish)
Tricep press downs: 12 x 30; 10 x 40; 8 x 60; 6 x 70 then press downs 12 x 60, supersetted with dumbbell kickbacks 12 x 10
Notes: Slept well. Knee better today. Nutrition okay (except for teacakes, Mike…) Weight: 105.2
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