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EPRD Healthy Living Newsletter for October 2017

Stay in Shape with Fall Fitness Classes

Cooler fall days present a great opportunity to taste Evergreen Park & Rec District's diverse array of fitness classes. Here are some of your many choices:

This is just the tip of the iceberg! Here are the class schedules for Buchanan Park Rec Center and Wulf Rec Center.

Questions about classes? 
Check out the calendar scrolling down the left side of EPRD's website homepage or contact Fitness Specialist, Susan Wescott at 720-880-1112 or 

Healthy Parenting

Source: Huffington Post

23 absurdly easy Halloween crafts.

Healthy Body

These exercises can relieve it and tone up your tummy.

Healthy Mind

Source: CNBC
Shift your mindset to become happier

Healthy Aging

How to slow aging in your brain.

Healthy Eating

What happens to your body when you eat greasy food. 

Healthy Giving

Can you trust retailers when they say they donate a part of the proceeds to charity?
