Even though health professionals have trumpeted the health benefits of exercise for over a century, some people are still hesitant to exercise because of the possible risk of injury - especially if they haven't done it for a while. But there is a risk to not exercising as well, which many people fail to take into account.
Someone who hasn't exercised in a while may be hesitant to get on a treadmill and run for one or two miles. What they fear most is a possible risk of a heart attack. And they do have some cause to be concerned. For example, after a huge snowfall, there will always be multiple reports in the newspapers or news shows about the number of people who had heart attacks while shoveling snow. You also hear stories of weekend athletes who tear a ligament or throw out their back when attempting a sports related activity which they haven't done in a while.
So their concern is not without reason. In fact, according to statistics, when a person who has not exercised for a significant amount of time, begins to exercise, their risk of being injured rises an amazing 56 times over the person who has been exercising on a regular basis.
But you should not take the wrong lesson from those statistics. The key to preventing an injury from happening is twofold. One is to be examined by a physician and get his clearance before beginning an exercise routine. And, two is to start to exercise at a slow pace and only gradually increase the amount of effort that you expend. If you do this, statistics show that the danger of you being injured while performing a physical activity drops dramatically.
In addition, there are some exercises where the risks of injury is very negligible. A perfect example is walking. A casual stroll to the park or through a shopping mall, with frequent rest stops, is a perfect good beginning exercise for someone who hasn't done a lot of activity in a while.
Those who are extra cautious can take additional steps to soothe their concerns. One thing that you can do is to take an authorized stress test. Such a test will determine how your body reacts when placed under physical stress. Because the test takes place in a medical setting, you can feel secure that if something goes awry, medical personnel will be quick to respond.
If you pass the test successfully, in this setting, you should be fairly sure that your doctor will give his approval to your exercise program. If you fail, however, at least you know that you will need some sort of treatment before you can start an exercise routine.
For more information on home gyms and general fitness topics such as adjustable dumbbells and bowflex dumbbells, visit our website.
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
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