I used to preach to people about no matter how busy you are, there is always time for exercise. While many people may still agree with that statement, I have to somewhat disagree. It was easy for me to say "no excuses" when it came to fitness - that is until I ended up working two jobs (one full-time, one part-time) as well as freelance work. When my time isn't taken up with work, I have to split my free time between family and friends. It seems that 24 hours a day is never enough!
However, I started putting on weight that I had dropped earlier in the year and I stopped exercising completely. My energy level had decreased and I feel like a big slouch. I finally put my foot down and made a plan to eat healthier and get fitness in any way I can. Below are some of the steps I am taking to reclaim a healthy lifestyle.
1. Eat 3 Meals and Still Lose Weight
I sit all day at work, yet I find myself starving at breakfast and lunch. Starvation isn't good when you're not prepared. I took the easy way out and grabbed meals at fast-food places nearby work. Believe me, after a few weeks, I was noticing the effects of constantly eating out. Now I prepare my breakfast and lunch in the evenings. I stick to protein and vegetables, cutting out the bad carbs. I pack my meals in food containers and warm them up at work. By cutting out the bad carbs (white flour, sugar, any processed food) I worry less about fat and calories.
2. Fitting in Exercise
When you're on a tight schedule, making it to the gym is near impossible. It's one of the last things you want to do after a long day. Getting up extra early to go takes a lot of motivation. I've decided to work out at home for 30 - 45 minutes on the evenings that I do not work. I perform interval training because the exercises are effective and combine resistance training with cardio.
On the evenings that I have free but still need to work from home, I set the timer on my phone for every 5 or 10 minutes. When the alarm goes off, I perform a set of exercises such as push-ups, squats, or walking lunges. I get in a workout while I am getting my work done.
As you can see, when you hear there are no excuses when it comes to health and fitness, it is true. It may seem difficult but it can be done. Make the commitment and you'll be amazed at the results you can achieve.
If you need a boost with your weight loss goals, consider supplementing with a full body cleanse. Detoxing your body with herbal supplements can help you release between 10 - 50 pounds of excess weight. Visit http://dherbs.com/store/full-body-cleanse-p-1.html for more details.
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
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