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Training & Diet Week 2 Day 6 & 7

This is a yellow curry, but my green one looks very similar


I started the day with a smoothie and two milk teas. I had some spicy pork and rice leftovers from yesterday. Then, we had some spicy chicken with a wee bit of rice. I topped the day off with another smoothie, because I had a craving.

I’ve learned that it’s best to stem the craving with something healthy. I think of the banana smoothie as a treat, so that works well for me.

I haven’t gotten any frozen berries yet for my smoothies, but since I’m not yet bored of the banana smoothie, it’s fine.


I had a cup of leftover pasta from my wife, two milk teas, a green salad with two eggs, a little bit of rice with a Thai green curry that I made. It was darn spicy.

Passion fruit/peach tea

I went grocery shopping and came back with a lot of good things. I bought some passion fruit/peach tea from Twinings.

I like drinking hot tea, and this is perfect. I found that the Carrefour mint/anis tea was good, but it wasn’t fresh enough so it didn’t infuse much. This isn’t the case with the Twinings. I also bought some frozen wraps to make… wraps!

Other than that, I didn’t buy any pasta, only a lot of fresh veggies. My wife commented that the fridge was bursting, but I told her that a packet of lettuce only lasts two days, so it’s fine.

Spike was happy too, as I had used chicken drumsticks to make the curry, so he had a little treat as well.

I’ve noticed that it’s harder to stay on track if not your whole household follows the same change of diet. For example, since I started, my wife is eating the same way. Although she doesn’t need to lose weight, it’s a healthy diet. I can understand that it’s harder, especially if your house still has foods that you shouldn’t eat. I don’t have that problem, as I do most of the grocery shopping, as well as the cooking. Though I have asked my wife not to buy any more treats for me.

