Katrina is part of the Austin Paranormal Investigations.
The Austin Paranormal Investigations is a group of paranormal investigators that research hauntings in the central Texas area. We also do investigations in private residences.
Paranormal Investigators (called ghost hunters) by laymen use modern equipment and in attempt to collect evidence and proof of the supernatural.
They use different techniques to attempt to record evidence such as tape recorders, cameras, heat sensors, video, etc.
Katrina will do as series of videos discussing different techniques used in paranormal investigation including EVPs or electronic voice phenomena, how to take pictures of ghost, etc.
The two most common picture phenomena are called orbs and ecto (short for ectoplasm).
In parapsychology, ectoplasm (From the Greek ektos, "outside," + plasma, "something formed or molded") is a term coined by Charles Richet to denote a substance or spiritual energy "exteriorized" by physical mediums.Associated with the formation of ghosts, and hypothesized to be an enabling factor in psychokinesis.
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