"The Force In the Star Wars universe, The Force is a metaphysical energy field created by all living beings. It has the power to enhance natural physical and mental abilities, and it can manifest itself through telekinesis, telepathy, hypnosis, enhanced empathy, and precognition. Throw it all out the window. This position is all about making love with, you guessed it, force (get it?). Believe it or not, rough sex is a female sex fantasy. Rest her on her back, place her legs on your shoulders and use all your force to just pound away. Even the lesser-endowed will have her floating in midair. This is how Yoda gets it on too — trust us." https://www.askmen.com/dating/love_tip_500/529_istar-warsi-sex-positions.html#:~:text=3.-,The%20Force,This%20is%20how%20Yoda%20gets%20it%20on%20too%20%E2%80%94%20trust%20us.,-4.%20The%20XXX
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