give her what she wants When making your decision, keep in mind that she's very vulnerable, probably not thinking too clearly, and may or may not be inebriated. I know what you're thinking: "Perfect. So, what's the problem?" Well, there doesn't have to be one. If you are both consenting adults and she understands that this isn't going to lead to any type of commitment, then I say go for it. After all, nobody likes rejection, especially when they're already completely down in the dumps. Another significant blow to her ego could cause her even more distress than she's already experiencing. So, you're really doing her a favor, by taking her fragile sense of self and restoring it. You're a hero. The universe will return the favor for this selfless act of kindness in spades. All kidding aside, if she asks for it, then it's fair game. You just have to keep certain things in mind."
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