Making sure you are eating 3 meals a day, plus 2 to 3 snacks, is enough for many people to gain weight. Other people may need to change the foods they are eating and add extra fats - all foods contain calories, but fatty foods contain the most, so adding fats to your food helps you to gain weight (in the same way that cutting down on fat helps to lose weight).
Saturated fats - those found in meat, butter, dairy foods, and biscuits can raise blood cholesterol levels. Olive oil, rapeseed oil, and oils found in nuts and seeds are not harmful to cholesterol levels and heart health. For short term weight loss - eg if you are recovering from a serious illness, this is not a problem, but for the rest of you, the healthier options are marked with a star*. For good health it is a good idea to keep up other aspects of healthy eating and healthy living - regular physical exercise and eating 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day.
Saturated fats - those found in meat, butter, dairy foods, and biscuits can raise blood cholesterol levels. Olive oil, rapeseed oil, and oils found in nuts and seeds are not harmful to cholesterol levels and heart health. For short term weight loss - eg if you are recovering from a serious illness, this is not a problem, but for the rest of you, the healthier options are marked with a star*. For good health it is a good idea to keep up other aspects of healthy eating and healthy living - regular physical exercise and eating 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day.
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