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Cardio Tips

Here are 3 cardio workout tricks to lose belly fat

1. Do high intensity cardio workouts - Most people judge their own workouts by how long they are, believing that the longer they stay on the treadmill or elliptical the better. However, that is far from the case. The true measure of any workout is the intensity of it, meaning how much effort did this workout place on your body.

The more intense the workout, the more fat it will help you burn, regardless of its length. You can actually shave off minutes of workout time and still get an excellent workout.

2. Do your cardio after weight training - A good workout has its order. Weight training comes first, cardio later. It may not seem important but it is. It helps to avoid injury, keeps you weight training workouts better, and helps you to lose more stomach fat.

3. Do interval cardio workouts - Interval workouts mean that you constantly change the pace of the workout. For 2 minutes you're going hard, then you take it easy for 2-3 minutes. You then increase the pace again, slow it again, and more of the same. This works out your cardiovascular system over a range of intensities and provides a more versatile and effective workout. It will also help you to burn more flab.
