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Sugary Snacks to Reduce Stress

Researchers from University of Cincinnati found that consuming sugary snacks can reduce stress level by lowering glucocorticoid, a hormone linked to obesity and a weakened immune system.

'Sugary snacks' here points to foods or drinks that taste sweet, not artificially sweetened, not low-calorie or sugar-substitute variety.
Yvonne Ulrich-Lai, a psychiatrist who led the study, said: "Glucocorticoids help an individual survive and recover from stress, but have been linked to increased abdominal obesity and decreased immune function when produced in large amounts."

She said the findings could be of use in reducing human stress levels, from physical causes such as illness or injury, or psychological causes such as public speaking or coping with the death of a loved one.

Dr Ulrich-Lai added: "Finding another way to affect the body's response to stress and limit glucocorticoid production could alleviate some of these dangerous health effects."

Dr Ulrich-Lai said sweets, especially those made from sugar rather than artificial sweeteners, might be the answer.
But it's important to remember that simply consuming sweets or sugary snacks will reduce the symptoms of stress because there are many factors involved in stress and consuming excessive of sugary snacks is not recommended. You should always add it into your diet and balancing with plenty of fruits, vegetables and certain amount of protein and fat.

via BBC News
