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Avoid Holiday Pounds!

How do I get through the Thanksgiving without expanding my  waistline ? The average Thanksgiving / Holiday meal is 4000 calories!  Add to that the leftovers, and you could see a bit of weight gain after this week of family festivities.  Here are a couple of tips to lighten the BIG meal. T…

Morteza Roshanzamir flexing for his fans


Ahmed El Wardany from Egypt

Ahmed El Wardany, a new massive star from Egypt, enjoy some more photos of this young Arab!

IFBB World Amateur Championships 2012: Ahmed El Wardany

1st place (-85kg Class) Country: Egypt Birthdate: 1984 Height: ? Competition weight: 85kg/187lb Off season weight: ?

IFBB World Amateur Championships 2012: Marek Olejniczak

1st place for the Polish Super-heavyweight (+100kg Class) With Salaheddin Mustafa Abunafas (Libya) Country: Poland Birthdate: ? Height: 183cm/6' Competition weight: 110kg/242lb Off season weight: 125kg/275lb

IFBB World Amateur Championships 2012: Salaheddin Mustafa Abunafas

1st place, -100kg Class and Overall Champion. Country: Libya Birthdate: ? Height: ? Competition weight: 100kg (?) Off season weight: ?

Marleah Showin' Us How It's Done!

Scissor Lunges For Glute/Ham Toning Here is our very own Marleah Akins showing us how to perform Scissor Lunges, also known as Plyometric Lunges. This is a great exercise to add to the lower body routine. They tone, strengthen, AND help with balance and coordination! This explosive exerci…

IFBB World Amateur Championships 2012: Mohamed Zakaria

3rd place, -100kg Class

November muscle mix 2012

Jaroslav Paseka (Czech Republic) Luke Timms (Australia) Alfonso Del Rio (Spain) Oliver Adzievski (North Macedonia) Tasos Koligionis (Greece) Felipe Barrozo (Brazil) Martin Stavenson (UK)   Eslam Elmasry (Egypt) Mohamed Murad (Egypt) No ID