Your struggle with weight might have begun while you were a child, as you attempted to find out just how many cookies you could eat at one sitting. Or it might have occurred shortly after you arrived on a college campus for the first time. Those late nights of studying might have led to l…
ADDING weights to children's toys may help them improve their fitness during playtime, according to new research in the US. The study included five boys and five girls, who were an average of seven-and-a-half years old and were randomly assigned to carry either large, cardboard toy bl…
Smoking low-tar and low-nicotine — or "light" — cigarettes may actually make it harder for smokers to kick the habit. A new study shows that people who smoke light cigarettes are more than 50 percent less likely to quit smoking than those who smoke regular cigarettes. "Even…
Black and Hispanic girls are less physically active than white girls, but that this difference is attributable to the schools they attend. Ethnic Disparities in Teen Exercise
Scientists at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies have identified a novel pathway that regulates the body's ability to store or burn fat, a discovery that suggests new ways to reduce obesity, diabetes and other fat-related human diseases.Genetically engineered mice, in which th…
A lifelong habit of trimming just a few calories from the daily diet can do more than slim the waistline - a new study shows it may help lessen the effects of aging.Scientists from the University of Florida's Institute on Aging have found that eating a little less food and exercisin…
If you manage to get a good night's sleep on a regular basis your chances of staying slim or becoming slimmer are significantly higher, say researchers from Care Western University, Ohio, USA, after monitoring nearly 70,000 women for over a decade and-a-half. This is the largest stud…
While diets low in carbohydrates and high in protein continue to attract the public's attention, researchers at the University of Texas - Austin report that "normal-weight" adults tend to eat more fiber and fruit than people who are overweight or obese. [click link for full …
No pain, no gain phrase usually associated with exercise may be a thing of the past if results from a study on cherry juice. Cherry Juice May Prevent Muscle Damage Pain
The familiar "no pain, no gain" phrase usually associated with exercise may be a thing of the past if results from a study on cherry juice published June 21 in the online version of the British Journal of Sports Medicine prove true in future research.Historically, a number of ap…