Found in Kamares - adult neutered male white cat which has been living in the garden for around the last 10 days. He is large, very friendly, has an all white body with black patches over both ears and a black tail with a white ring round it. Possibly 3 or 4 years old, obviously used t…
Se Jong Yoo Photo Shoot Summer 2015
With effect from October 31, 2018, the provisions of the Regulation of the Cycle Traffic Law (Law 19 (I) / 2018) are in force. The new legislation governs the use of a bicycle on the road network. With the new legislation, the following applies: 1. It is forbidden to use a bicycle on…
Please note that officially the collection days for Tala have not changed and remain Wednesday and Saturday. However, unfortunately, it appears that the refuse collectors are having problems with one of their drivers –. who appears to be c…
The above dog has been missing in Kamares since last Friday. He limps due to an earlier broken front leg which he now doesn't use. If you have seen him, please phone 97783384
Steve Cook profesyonel vücut geliştirmeci ve fitness modeldir . 1984 doğumlu Amerikan kökenli bir sporcudur. Spor ile tanışması futbol sayesinde olmuş ve lise yıllarında ağırlık antrenmanları ile tanışmış. Babası beden eğitimi hocası olduğundan sporla iç içe bir çocukluk geçirmiş ve kar…
Cyprus Mail - article by Katy Turner - 29 October 2018 An early warning has been issued by the European Commission to Cyprus as it is among member states at the greatest risk of failing to meet the EU’s 2020 recycling targets for municipal waste. The four worst recyclers are Malta, Romani…
As you are already aware there are a number of projects outstanding for Tala. 1 Completion of Tala Square - Phase II Finally, Phase I has been signed off by the District Office and their Quantity Surveyors. Phase II is ready to go out to tender and advices follow once tenders have been…
There will be a free Complex Management Seminar at The Almyra Hotel on 14 November, starting at 5.30pm. Topics for discussion: - Communal Buildings - Formation & Operation of Management Committees - Financial liabilities [insurance and allocation of communal expenses] - Swimming Pool …