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The Hump Day Blog Hop!

Happy Hump Day everyone! We are halfway through the week and the hump day camel is too freaking cool, so lets have some fun and a blog hop to celebrate. This is a little different than a link up. To participate, simply add your blog link. There is no required entry or anything like that. …

I Could Not Have Both Dreams and Love

I consider myself a really high energy, easygoing person. I am high energy because I thrive on being busy and go-go-go. I am easygoing because I am outgoing, friendly, flexible, and easy to please. Sometimes I keep myself so busy that every once in a while, I burn out. That is just how I …

Dhon Kiamco

Dhon Kiamco Mr. Caraga Competition 2011

Matt Kido

Matt Kido 2014

Weekend Recap: I got excited over produce and a vacuum

I really need to stop making plans; even though scheduling and planning are embedded into my DNA now. Ha. They never work out! It's almost comical at this point. Why this weekend? The rain. Ugh. Friday work was absolutely nuts. I ran around the entire day. When it finally ended, I too…

Hellenic beef Dimitris Moutzouris

Ending the 1,200 Calorie Myth

As the summer approaches, everyone seems to have one goal in mind: to lose weight and look great in a bikini. So how do you accomplish those goals? I'm willing to bet money that you said something along the lines of "diet and exercise." Well, you aren't totally wrong, bu…