Not all the talking is over but tomorrow the action begins, I have 121 weeks to condition my body to be able to cycle 225 miles per day for 100 days. 6 weeks ago (26th Sept 2009) a friend and I cycled 677.5 miles in 6 days from Lands End to Fort William, this is the furthest I have ridde…
Yesterday, I did not have my finest hour. The new copier at work would not do what I wanted it to do, and I had a complete breakdown. I think fatigue and PMS had something more to do with it, but that copier not doing what I wanted was the final straw. The tears came streaming down, an…
Alexandre Nataf Pascal T'Hooft Pascal Dumini Fabien Gil on the right David Gasser Frederic Sauvage Jean-Christophe Ederle
Experts describe strategies for setting goals — and making sure you achieve them. We all have goals. What are yours? To lose 20 pounds? Get in shape? Buy a new house? Make more money? Having a goal is the easy part. Reaching it? Well, that’s something else entirely. If you’re frustrated b…
205.5 lbs, before lunch after BM whatup! been doing the couch to 5k program for 4 runs, hitting the gym M TH F. let's how this lasts. kinda eating better tho i had pizza friday night. had 2 pieces that night, 2 the next day, 1 on sunday i think. so i'm eating less and eating bette…
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