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A Cup of Joe In The Morning Talks To Egoscue

Wednesday Sept 25th at 9:30am, Seaview AM 960 show Cup of Joe in the Morning had Egoscue Palm Beach Garden’s Clinic Director Shawn Taker on talking about Egoscue. Thanks Angela for taking a moment and calling in to talk with Joe and Shawn. Check out the conversation. Don’t forget to liste…


Bullshit or sugar?

I am a big fan of linguistics, and am always amazed at the effect that the words we chose has on our mood and behavior. A few days ago I was talking with a client that came for weight management. She was telling me about an argument with her husband (that led her to finish the Oreo cookie…

Eric Turner works out for Sweat Under Gear

I have had a pretty crazy week.  We are getting ready to launch our new subscription site, we have several new titles that come out next month AND I have been busy planning the Mega Muscle Photo Expo in Palm Springs.  It makes it sort of difficult to come up with things to share with you …

"What? No music at all?"

Ok so I get the 2009 Runner Handbook sent out by The Baltimore Marathon event peeps. They recommend you read it cover to cover. So I start reading a little. Then I see it…a “NO MUSIC PLAYERS OF ANY KIND ALLOWED”. [Insert panic attack, hot sweats, cold sweats, dry mouth, gag reflex trigg…