Wednesday Sept 25th at 9:30am, Seaview AM 960 show Cup of Joe in the Morning had Egoscue Palm Beach Garden’s Clinic Director Shawn Taker on talking about Egoscue. Thanks Angela for taking a moment and calling in to talk with Joe and Shawn. Check out the conversation. Don’t forget to liste…
I am a big fan of linguistics, and am always amazed at the effect that the words we chose has on our mood and behavior. A few days ago I was talking with a client that came for weight management. She was telling me about an argument with her husband (that led her to finish the Oreo cookie…
I have had a pretty crazy week. We are getting ready to launch our new subscription site, we have several new titles that come out next month AND I have been busy planning the Mega Muscle Photo Expo in Palm Springs. It makes it sort of difficult to come up with things to share with you …
Ok so I get the 2009 Runner Handbook sent out by The Baltimore Marathon event peeps. They recommend you read it cover to cover. So I start reading a little. Then I see it…a “NO MUSIC PLAYERS OF ANY KIND ALLOWED”. [Insert panic attack, hot sweats, cold sweats, dry mouth, gag reflex trigg…