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Coffee may lower breast cancer risk for some women

Women with BRCA1 gene mutations, which confer a high risk of developing breast cancer, might decrease their risk by drinking a lot of coffee, according to a multicenter team of investigators. Dr. Steven A. Narod, of the University of Toronto, Ontario, and colleagues examined the associati…

Study links obesity to kidney failure

Researchers have found yet another reason for people to watch their weight: kidney failure. A University of California at San Francisco study released on Monday found a strong relationship between obesity and end-stage renal disease, or kidney failure. "There are more and more people…

Detox diets are a waste of time and money, say scientists

NEW year detox products that purport to rid the body of harmful chemicals accumulated through seasonal over-indulgence are a waste of time and money, leading scientists said yesterday. Most of the pills, juices, teas and oils that are sold for their detoxifying effects on the body have no…

Statins' Benefit Only To Heart

Statins are good for the heart, but the popular cholesterol-lowering drugs - including Lipitor, Zocor and Pravachol - do not appear to prevent cancer, pharmacists at the University of Connecticut report in today's issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. The researche…

Cold Sore Remedy - Mint Tea

A cold sore remedy proven very effective, as well as pleasant to use, is mint tea. Many times I've seen a cold sore completely healed in as little as 7 days using the mint tea cold sore remedy described in this article. As with any cold sore remedy I write about, I'm offering thi…

A Heart Attack Isn't As Much Fun As You Might Think

I've never had a heart attack... but I came a little too close for comfort. I remember it like it was yesterday although it was 15 years ago. It was a pleasant early fall morning as my wife Bernie and I embarked on the drive to Modesto for a "routine" treadmill test. Upon ar…

Bone marrow drive planned to help Iditarod champion with leukemia

Susan Butcher sounds every bit like the tough competitor she is — even when she is asked about her strategy for beating leukemia. After all, this is the same woman who four times won the 1,100-mile Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, the longest sled dog race in the world. "Now my goal is …

High protein diet 'under attack'

The benefits of high-protein diets have again been questioned. The Total Wellbeing Diet, similar to the Atkins diet, advises eating around twice the daily amount of protein in a typical Western diet. But an editorial in the magazine Nature suggests the diet only helps a small number of pe…

Alzheimer's and Obesity Linked

There's another reason for you to not stay in overweight condition. After proved that obesity may lead to heart disease and diabetes, now researchers at Farber Institute for Neurosciences at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia and Edith Cowan University in Joondalup, Western A…

Alcohol to Protect Older Women from Diabetes

It is reported by Dutch researchers that moderate drinking of alcohol may cut the risk of diabetes type 2 or non-insulin-dependent diabetes in older women. Although an association between alcohol use and reduced diabetes risk has been observed previously, much exploration of this topic ha…