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Up, Up, and Away (Exercises to Improve Your Vertical Jump)

I don't know if there's something strange in the air lately, but for whatever reason, I've gotten a lot of questions about how to improve a vertical jump. Some individuals are naturally gifted with hops, but for the rest of us who need to work hard to become more powerful, we …

You Are More than Your Numbers

Fitness is a numbers game. Weather it's your bodyweight, inches around your waist, the weight on the bar, your mile time, you're continually looking for those numbers to budge. Active people are constantly weighing, measuring, and comparing. That's how we track our progress. T…

4 Big Benefits of Eccentric Training

You know the old saying "slow and steady wins the race?" Well, in strength training, I believe slow and steady reps win the gainz. Eccentric training is, in my opinion, the Unsung Hero for improving athleticism. If you want to maximize strength, build muscle, and increase flexib…

Revamping the Dumbbell Row

Rowing movements, like the dumbbell row or the kettlebell row, are a staple in any weight training or bodybuilding program. In fact, I would venture to say that a well-developed back is a fantastic indicator of overall strength and athleticism. When you implement these movements into your…

Your Grip Strength is Limiting Your Other Lifts

Have you ever played that game at an arcade where you squeeze these metal handles as hard as you can and it determines how strong your grip is? One of the most understated elements of training is, in my opinion, grip strength. Whether you're gripping a baseball bat, holding onto the p…

Starting Your Weight Lifting Program - Tips

ByJordan S Scheller Before starting a weight lifting program to build strength or to attain the shape you desire, you first need to look at four factors that affect your performance. These four factors include fiber type, limb length, metabolism, and your muscle/tendon relationships. Whe…

Body-Weight Workout Routines: 7 Good Reasons They're Superior To Lifting Weights

I'm not against lifting weights. I did so for years and got some decent results. Yet there are definitely what I consider to be a few 'negatives' to weight lifting that are NOT associated with simple, super-efficient, body-weight exercise routines; 'negatives' such as.…