Keep the lines of communication open and do your best to keep each other satisfied. Take your time — sex is not a race. Explore every inch of her body and hey, props never hurt anyone (unless you're into that sort of thing). Don't let this issue cut you to the bone...
If she's faking it, she's likely doing it for selfless reasons, after all, she doesn't win an actual Oscar, nor does she reach sexual satisfaction. She's just trying to ensure that you enjoy your orgasm and keep your ego
She doesn't know what an orgasm feels like Believe it or not, many women have never even experienced an orgasm, so when they feel a little tickle or tingle within, they think to themselves, oh, this must be it ; they therefore
You think it's so important Some days are better than others, and while she might reach multiples one day, the next day might result in none. That doesn't mean she didn't enjoy the lovemaking, it just means she didn't orgasm. Stop making it the be all, end all of the sexu…
She doesn't want to hurt your ego You can deny it all you want, but if you thought you weren't pleasing your woman (or women, you dog you), chances are it would make you question your abilities as a lover. So she fakes
She gets sore really fast Blame it on her own PH balance or the lack of KY, whatever combination of letters you choose, she might get sore down there quickly and because of her discomfort, she acts like she's reaching her climax so that you can reach yours and it'll all be over a…
She doesn't know what an orgasm feels like Believe it or not, many women have never even experienced an orgasm, so when they feel a little tickle or tingle within, they think to themselves, oh, this must be it ; they therefore proceed to put on a performance like the ones they see in…
why is she faking? Once you understand why women fake it, you won't be as miffed as you likely are at this very moment. Nowadays, a lot of emphasis is placed on the woman's ability to orgasm and some would say that it not only measures your performance as a lover, but
how is she faking? There are plenty of ways that she might be leading you to believe that she has achieved the almighty orgasm. The most popular include: Mechanical moaning Her noises don't flow in accordance with what's happening You don't feel her PC muscle gripping your pe…