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Sexy bodybuilders

Kostas Voniatis (Cyprus) Mark Alvisi (USA)  Franco Santoriello (Italy)  Jean-Christophe Ederle (France)

Rolandas Pocius

Huge bodybuilder from Lithunia. Country: Lithuania Birthdate: 1973 Height: 178cm/5'10'' Off season weight: 120kg/265lb Competition weight: 130kg/287lb

Muscles Muscles Muscles! It's nerver too big!

P J Brawn (USA) Charlie Duca (Malta) Fabio Petruio (Italy) Marko Savolanain (Finland)

Some bodybuilders relaxing

Mark Alvisi (USA) Semion Berkovich (Lithuania) Karim Morabib (Morocco) Art Atwood (USA) Constantino Polesel (Italy)

Jim Vest

friday weigh-in


197.6 (work scale, friday clothes, post-2nd bm of the day, breakfast in system, lunch not in system) earlier this week, 198.4

IFBB Pro Nasser El Sonbaty

My all time favorite bodybuilder! This man is a real MUSCLE GOD! Country: Egypt Birthdate: 1965 Height: 180cm/5'11'' Off season weight: 140kg/310lb Competition weight: 120-130kg/265-285lb

What Are The Best Exercise Tips For Losing Weight?

It is a good idea to move away from the concept of losing weight, what it all boils down to is changing size rather than weight, which is what most people ultimately desire. Try switching to a tape measure instead of a scale, this will be a more accurate measure of your progress. Certainl…

Stratos Argyrakis

Country: Greece Birthdate: ? Height: ? Competition weight : +90kg/200lb