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Justin Metrando from the USA

Justin Metrando is an amateur Super-Heavyweight bodybuilder living in New York, USA. He first competed at the NPC New York Grand Prix 2016 (2nd, Super-Heavyweight Class) and he won the Overall Title of the same contest in 2018.  He wants to get even bigger and we are sure that he will suc…

April muscle mix 2019

Rallis Rallis (Greece) Vyacheslav Volosov (Ukraine) Juan Morel (USA) Rafael Brandao (Brazil) Shaun Joseph-Tavernier (UK) Mirnes Hunavovic (Bosnia & Herzegovina) Hassan Mostafa (Egypt) Enrico Hoffmann (Germany) Juber Shaikh (India) Petr Breza (Czech Republic) Vincenzo Masone (USA/Italy…

Joseph Lee

Joseph Lee Selfies Spring 2019 and Misc. Videos