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Weekend Recap: Back from the Beach!

I have been back home from the beach since Monday afternoon and have been trying to get back in the swing of everyday life. We had a great time and could not have asked for better weather! Friday afternoon, I rushed home after a half day at work, we packed up my car, put the top back, and…

Toned Arms In 6 Moves - Printable Workout

Toned Arms in 6 Moves Workout For:  Men and Women Muscles Used : Biceps & Triceps Equipment:  Dumbbells, Rope Attachment This is a basic arm workout for fast and noticeable results. I recommend supersetting (completing two exercises back to back without rest) to make the workout fast-…

Alzheimer's and Exercise - can it help?

The RESEARCH - What About Exercise? New research adds to the growing evidence that physical activity can reduce cognitive decline and slow progression of Alzheimer’s disease.  The significance of this particular study is that it measured total daily activity using actigraphy instead of re…