Ana içeriğe atla

Italian bodybuilder Constantino Galeazzo

Some new and old pictures of this super heavyweight bodybuilder. Enjoy! With Alessandro Grassi (left) Country: Italy   Birthdate: ? Height: 183cm /6' Weight: 120kg/265lb


Are You Doing Knee-Friendly Exercises?

Are you doing knee-friendly exercises? recently asked this all important question.   The artice was entitled: “Are You Killing Your KNees?”  What is the age of your knees?  Are you guilty of any of the bad habits this article mentions?  To a large extent knee pain is both tre…


Fit happens, right?

So I glanced in the mirror this morning (I assure you, it was an accident) and I didn’t like what I saw. I mean, I’ve never been one of those narcissistic types that just melt with adoration at the sight of my reflection – but this was b-a-d. Maybe once I had a body that worked reasonably…