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Effects of Body Fitness Exercise On Your Life

Your body is a well designed machine. Each part of your body functions well because of the support that other parts play. Well, the time has come to improve the way that machine is working. This means physically. Your heart pumps oxygen rich blood to each cell in your body, delivering …

Fitness Is Not Only For Weight Loss

Although many people start looking into fitness because they want to lose weight, fitness is not just about weight loss. By understanding where you stand on these factors above, you can work to improve your overall wellness and increase your lifespan as well as the quality of life that y…

John Cena & Homies

John Cena

Most Effective Ab Exercises Can Be Done At Home

The most effective ab exercises turned out to be the humble bicycle manoeuvre and captain's chair, while crunches on the exercise ball ranked highest for home exercise equipment. While the bicycle manoeuvre and exercise ball can be done at home, the captain's chair is easily acces…

More big hairy men

Hydration - How Water Helps in Sports Nutrition

Keeping your body hydrated is a very essential part of the process of sports nutrition. Your body needs fuel in the form of fluids. It is a very essential part of your well being and life in general. If you do not have enough water in your body at any given time, your body will ultimate…

Important Aspects Of Sports Nutrition

There are several important aspects that you need to consider when it comes to sports nutrition. Here are the four important aspects of sports nutrition. Hydration : Your body needs fluids first and foremost. It needs the right type of fluids and they need to be provided at the right t…

Back Muscles Exercise - Strength Exercises For Back Flexibility

Anyone who has ever suffered from a major backache knows how central the back is, even in times you might think it isn't important. Even something like squeezing a tennis ball, an action that involves a focus on the fingers, forearm and bicep will involve the latissimus dorsi and othe…

Abs Diet Guide And Workout Nutrition Truth

NOTE : This article was written by Craig Ballantyne of Turbulence Training for Abs . You want the Nutrition Truth? You can't handle the nutrition truth! Okay, just kidding, maybe you can...and so I'm going to give you the diet I used to get my 6-pack abs. Personally, I find that e…

Alcohol Can Ruin Muscle Gain

You heard it right. Alcohol is one of the major reasons for wasting your most beloved physique and muscles that you have taken care of for years. Alcohol is considered as one of the most significant causes to lose your muscle’s nice features. Despite of what health experts are trying to i…