Carpal tunnel syndrome is by far the most common and widely known of the "pinched nerve" conditions. This article addresses: What is it? Who is at risk for this condition? How is it diagnosed? What kinds of treatments work best? Carpal tunnel syndrome refers to symptoms caused b…
Acetaminophen poisoning is now the most common cause of acute liver failure in the United States. Attempted suicides account for many cases, but almost half are the result of unintentional overdose. Unintentional Overdose Worse Than Intentional Some 36 percent of Americans take acetaminop…
One hundredmilligrams of caffeine, the equivalent of two cups of coffee, can increase activity in the part ofyour brain that is responsible for short-term memory. A study showed improved performance on a memory test as a result. The functions of this region of the brain also include prior…
Humans are starting to live longer. Unfortunately, for some people, the aging process can result in impaired intellectual functions. However, this need not happen. Maintaining a good and nutritious eating plan, continuing physical activity, and engaging in challenging mental activities ca…
A study from Cincinnati Children's Hospital shows that common duct tape is significantly more effective in curing common warts than the standard treatment of liquid nitrogen. Most dermatologists treat warts by applying liquid nitrogen until the warts turn white and then a painful blis…
Many of us that suffer with insomnia can actually pinpoint the time it started. It could be the death of a loved one, exams or a stressful relationship. But ever since then we’ve not been able to sleep well. Even if the triggering event has passed and no longer concerns us, our sleep cont…
One of eight North Americans (30 million) has genital herpes, even though only one in five knows that he or she has it. Herpes is classified into type I that affects primarily the mouth ("canker sores"), and type II that affects primarily the genitals, although both types can go…
Hemorrhoids, often called piles, are swollen and inflamed veins in and around the anus and lower rectum. They are much like varicose veins you might see on a person's legs. Hemorrhoids are a very common health problem. Hemorrhoids cause serious problems in about 4% (over 10 million) o…
A report in Dec 12/26 issue of the Archive of Internal Medicine shows the benefit of tea to prevent ovarian cancer risk. It is reported that women who drink at least two cups of tea daily may have their risk of developing ovarian cancer reduced up to almost 50 percent (exactly 46 percent …
Cholesterol levels in middle-aged and older adults have decreased in the last 20 years, but have increased in younger adults, according to a survey issued in the Dec 20 issue of journal Circulation. The possiblitity of cholesterol levels decrease in middle-aged and older adults is because…