Perhaps it is because I am getting older that I think cartoons are not what they used to be. I have five young children, all boys. Like any concerned parent I govern what they watch. I have found that some of the most detrimental shows on television are actually the cartoons because of th…
Close to 107 million U.S. adults have cholesterol levels of 200 mg/dL or higher, a level that the American Heart Association says increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. At least 12 million of these people are taking statin drugs to lower their cholesterol levels, but there are mo…
The mind has two parts: the conscious and subconscious. You might want to stop smoking because it's bad for your health (conscious reason), but you're still aware that smoking makes you feel good about yourself (subconscious reason). However there is a proper way to proceed with o…
Each one of these healing methods is thousands of years old. The exact origins of meditation and self-hypnosis are not known. We do know that Yoga existed over 5,000 years ago in the Indus Valley. Despite the evidence that each of these methods creates peace of mind, within the practition…
If you are having sleep problems, whether you are not able to fall asleep, wake up too often, don't feel well-rested when you wake up in the morning, or simply want to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep, try as many of the following techniques below as possible: My current…
Everyone hears a lot about attention deficit problems these days and the condition has even become a staple of media entertainment (mainly sitcoms), appearing as a humor-based topic on shows like Desperate Housewives and the animated series, South Park. But what exactly are attention prob…
New treatment advances for patients with follicular lymphoma, previously considered an incurable cancer, have reduced deaths in the first four years by 70 percent. A newly published study recommends that doctors carefully choose their patients' initial therapies because there are sign…
When did it happen? When did common sense die? In all fairness, I have been the on the business end of the statement, “You have book smarts but no common sense,” more times than I want to remember. So, it's a safe bet, when I can see that common sense is dead, it died a horrible grues…
If you are a woman and love drinking coffee, you need not worry about the coffee raising your blood pressure, but caffeinated colas might, say researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital and the Harvard School of Public Health. They found no link between drinking coffee and hyperten…
In recent times, there has been a heated debate within the medical community regarding hormone replacement therapy for women suffering from the effects of menopause. The debate is centered around a number of studies that have concluded that hormone replacement therapy may not be near as e…